Sponsors and Affiliates You will find an occasional sponsor or affiliate link on this site. Any revenue derived from purchases made through these links will be used as follows: 1. Funding projects on Donors Choose and Kickstarter. Contributions to literacy organizations such as First Book. 2. Basic site support and contributions to a "piggy bank" to fund streaming media, video clips, and interactive creative writing features on the kids' pages. (These features would be above and beyond the current annual site expenses of $375/year.)
Acknowledgements & Thank You!It takes a village to dream, design, and implement a web site. I owe many thanks to: Bruce Balan who coaxed me onto the web in 1997. Bruce is the author of one of my favorite books (Buoy) and his philosophy of the web experience as a portal to share our passions with others has guided me ever since. Haemi Balgassi who was also one of the early web "pioneers" and graciously shared her expertise to help get me started "html-ing". Her heartfelt picture book, Peacebound Trains, is a "must-read." Mike Colgin who taught me more about html code than I ever wanted to know and was (usually!) patient while we originally upgraded this site. Any boo-boos are mine alone.
Lynne T. Whaley whose ability to think "out of the box" - in combination with her practical organizational skills - and delicious sense of humor - inspires me always. Audio, video, and image credits:
Hallway sounds in the Swimming Upstream audio thanks to freesound.org Terry Smyth for sharing his virtual campfire Frog on a pencil image credit
Copyright | Privacy Notice | Site Links CopyrightThis web site was designed in the best "spirit" of the Internet — openly sharing creative work and information with others. However, this aspect of the Internet is too often violated. Please be aware that the images and poetry you see on this site from my books are all under copyright and used with the kind permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. The artists, the publisher, and I are delighted to share our creative efforts with you. However, we expect you to honor our copyrights.
Please - do NOT "right click" copy, download, or print images or poetry without express permission.
Bloggers & Site Owners: I am almost always happy to share, but PLEASE ask first and provide attribution and an active link to my site.
Print: If you are interested in using an image or poem for project, article, anthology, journal, link, poster, contest, bookmark, etc., please contact me so I can put you in touch with the correct party for permission. Thank you!
Privacy The only e-mail addresses collected are those provided voluntarily via the contact form or when subscribing to the newsletter. These e-mail addresses are used only to respond to email sent via the contact form or submitted to the mailing list for the newsletter. These addresses are not sold, rented, or shared with anyone. Ever.
Site Links This site has links to other sites on the internet. I am very careful about the links I choose and I preview content with my young readers in mind. However, Internet content changes constantly and I cannot guarantee the integrity of any site other than my own.